Affordable housing for people with I/DD is in low supply. Learn what ALSO is doing to make a difference.

ALSO is in Give!Guide

Our Mission

Here at ALSO, we provide 360-degree services for the people we support. in their homes, employment and community. But, it all starts with housing. An estimated 24,000 adults experiencing intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) in Oregon and SW Washington face housing insecurity.

We are committed to providing much-needed affordable, accessible, and inclusive housing for people in our communities experiencing intellectual and developmental disabilities.

We invite you to join us in our efforts.  Together, we can ensure not only a house but a HOME for the people ALSO supports.

Support Us

Your donation provides ALSO with the necessary funds to develop new inclusive housing options, make home accessibility modifications, and helps bridge the gap with financial support for housing costs.



Donate $25 or more and receive a special edition reusable tote bag – celebrating our 25 years of service in our beloved Oregon communities.

Keep an eye out for Give!Guide’s Big Give Days. If you donate more than $10 on a Big Give Day, you’ll be entered to win that day’s prize. Prizes range from E-bikes to travel getaway packages!

G!G Big Give Days

Sam's Story

Meet Sam and see his accessible home! Everyone deserves a home that accommodates their needs.

ALSO's Give!Guide Business & Nonprofit Partners