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Multnomah County Disability Support Services

Advocates for Life Skills and Opportunity (ALSO) is a nonprofit disability support services provider that proudly serves the following cities and towns of Multnomah County, Oregon:



Maywood Park

Wood Village


Founded in 1997, ALSO is passionately dedicated to supporting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) in achieving their desired goals of maximum independence in the home, school, workplace, and the community. We work diligently with Multnomah County Human Services Coordinators to provide the absolute best disability support services in Oregon.

The ALSO Mission

To promote the full inclusion of people experiencing disabilities in the life of their community.

We succeed in Our Mission by holding tight to our Core Values. In addition, we use a person-centered approach in all community living and support services. That is, we focus on each person’s individual strengths, goals, and needs with empathy and compassion.

As we state in our Core Value of Dignity, we defend each person’s ability to direct their own thoughts, feelings, and actions. This is why we call our commitment to all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities Heart Work.

Disability Support Services Offered

The Heart Workers at ALSO provide several support services and advocacy programs for both children and adults with disabilities.

Residential Services

When someone has the need for continuous levels of support or supervision, ALSO Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) work with the people we support to live a full life that’s as independent as possible. Residential living services for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities include integration in school, community, employment, and recreational programming.

Services for Children with Disabilities

At ALSO, we help each unique child progress towards their identified goals and needs for education, family life, community inclusion, and transitioning to adulthood. We foster healthy, safe, inviting, and creative environments as we support and encourage all children to live life to its fullest.


About how ALSO’s Heart Workers provide love, security, and the opportunity to grow.

Supported Living Services

ALSO DSPs, team leads, and program managers help those we support succeed in all types of supported living environments. We have in-home services that ensure success and enjoyment in many every day activities:

  • Community Transportation
  • Academics
  • Medication Management
  • Employment Support and Training
  • Music, Gardening, and Other hobbies
A developmentally disabled young man puts on a ball cap for work while looking in the mirror.

Supported Employment Services

ALSO professional job coaches provide customized employment support for people with disabilities. Advocates for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (as well as working-age teenagers) assist with career development and work with directly with employer partners to find meaningful and fulfilling job opportunities for persons with disabilities.

Social Security Advocacy

It’s possible that children or adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities can qualify for social security benefits. Interested families and individuals with disabilities can always contact eligibility specialists at Multnomah County Disability Services.

Call 503 988 – 6258 or send an email to:

Francine Marsh is ALSO’s longtime Social Security and Disability Advocate. She is a heart worker who helps with questions and guides you through the process.

Call her anytime at 541 – 678 – 0343.

ALSO Community Arts Program

This is an art studio and gallery in Troutdale in which the people we support can pursue various artistic endeavors. This hallmark program is devoted to full inclusion and artistic expression.

County Resources

Legal Services

Disability Rights Oregon (DRO) is a non-profit advocacy organization that has been providing services in the state of Oregon since 1977. These professionals work to protect and restore the rights of members of our society who have disabilities.

A core belief of DRO is that people with disabilities have the right to live, work, and play in our communities, just like everyone else. This includes and is not limited to these community pursuits:

  • Going to school.
  • Being prepared for the workplace.
  • Having a place to live.
  • Shopping.
  • Getting on a bus or a train.
  • Seeing friends.

Contact Information: Go to the Request Help page.

Multnomah County I/DD Services

Five Oak Building
209 SW 4th Avenue, Reception
Portland OR 97204
(503) 988-3658

West Gresham Plaza
2951 NW Division Street, Suite 200
Gresham OR 97030
(503) 988-2535

Contact Information: Applying/referring someone for services.

Vocational Rehabilitation Information

Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services help people with many types of disabilities prepare for, get, and keep jobs. Here’s just a few examples of their services:

  • Counseling and guidance.
  • Assessment services.
  • Training services.
  • Assistive technology.

Contact the Vocational Rehabilitation office nearest you by using the VR Office Locator.

Contact ALSO for Disability Support Services You Can Rely On

ALSO employees are truly dedicated to full community inclusion for people with disabilities. Not only do we serve Multnomah County communities, but we also help residents of several other communities in Oregon.

Shoot us an email:
Give us a call: (503) 489-6565

Contact Sarah Cinquini to schedule a tour today!

Email or call (503) 753-1239

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Heart work opens doors.

Help us ensure that everyone has the same opportunities in their home, workplace and community. Let’s make dreams!
